Adhesion Promotion

Consists of modifying surfaces to encourage bonding between unlike materials. The surface modification may be accomplished via plasma bombardment, chemical reaction or a combination of the two.

UltraCoat – Automated 200/300mm high temperature for today’s most demanding MEMS and semiconductor process applications. The tool’s silane vapor deposition process is the preferred method for coating surfaces.

EcoCoat – Designed to accommodate a variety of functionally diverse silanes, for a variety of surfaces. The silane vapor deposition is a process that assists in the deposition of thin film of various materials in order to achieve precise surface modification.  In the EcoCoat the plasma function allows surface preparation, as well as in-situ chamber cleaning to assure run-to-run repeatability.

TA Series – This vacuum bake/vapor prime oven dramatically improves the application of HMDS as a surface priming treatment, which is used to enhance adhesion of photoresist on a wafer surface.

G Series – The YES-G1000 plasma cleaning system gives uniform plasma over surfaces and offers optimum plasma mode flexibility.